Language OER Conference

What is the Language OER Conference?

The goal of the Language OER Conference is to provide a venue to showcase large-scale language OER and to exchange information on topics related to OER production and adoption. The conference is completely online and completely free.  

Registration for the 2025 Conference is now closed.

The 2025 Language OER Conference is scheduled for Saturday, March 8, 2025. 

 Information on accessing the conference will be shared by email on the afternoon of Friday, March 7th, and is posted on the conference program

Recordings of the 2025 conference presentations will be posted on this page in the coming weeks. 


Past Conferences

The table below provides links to video recordings of all presentations from past Language OER Conferences. When available, the presentations are accompanied by links to the OER projects themselves. An additional list of OER is provided on the Language OER at KU webpage.


OER Presented at Language OER Conference
Fourth-Semester French: French Language Competency for the Global Work ForceFrenchint.2021
Le pont: Bridging the Transition from Intermediate to Advanced FrenchFrenchint. / adv.2021
Palabras propias: An OER for Cultural Surveys of the Spanish-speaking WorldSpanishadv.2021
Pathways Project: A Collection of Interpersonal Activities for French, German, Spanishallbeg. / int.2022
First-Year Korean OER Project: You Speak Korean 1 & 2Koreanbeg.2021
Hujambo! A Standards-Based Approach to Introductory KiswahiliKiswahilibeg.2023
¡Chévere! Introductory Spanish I and II OER TextbookSpanishbeg.2021
Dobra forma: An Open-Education Web-Based Resource on Ukrainian GrammarUkrainianint.2021
Bridging the Divide: Linking Literature and Language Studies through the Health HumanitiesSpanishadv.2022
Spunti: The Complete Elementary Italian ProgramItalianbeg.2022
¡Acción! Spanish Conversation Through FilmSpanishadv.2022
In the Beginning - the Creation and Implementation of an OER Hebrew Language MinorHebrewint. / adv.2022
Now That You've Published Your OER...Russianbeg.2022
Curation vs. creation in OER: Taming the BeastSpanishint.2022
PLUMA: Historias en español. A Comprehensive Narrative-Based Language Learning Program for SpanishSpanishbeg. / int.2022
Identità dell Italia Contemporanea: An OER Textbook for Elementary ItalianItalianbeg.2022
Transitioning to Tex in "The Other UT"Frenchbeg.2022
Tako lako: New Online OER Textbook for Beginning Level CroatianCroatianbeg.2022
Moroccan Arabic and Culture: A Multimedia TextbookArabicint. / adv.2022
LCTL DOORs: Opening Up Possibilities for LCTL Instructorsallbeg.2022
Bate-Papo: An Inclusionary OER Textbook for PortuguesePortuguesebeg.2022
Telebridges: A New OER for Facilitating Russian Language ExchangeRussianall2022
Salud y Bienestar - An Intermediate Spanish OERSpanishadv.2024
Better Together: Librarian Faculty Collaboration in Language OER CreationHindi, Khmer, Urdubeg.2022
Decoding the 1920s: Teaching Advanced Russian in a Literature ClassRussian adv.2022
A Closer Read: Textbook and Novels for Adult Intermediate ESOL StudentsESLint.2022
Embracing Open - The Reality Czech ProjectCzechbeg.2022
Saber es poder: Spanish for Heritage SpeakersSpanishint. / adv.2022 An OER Textbook for a More Inclusive ClassroomFrenchint. / adv.2022
Resourced Schemes of Work for Secondary French, German, and SpanishFrench, German, Spanishall2022
Developing Accessible OER Documents: A Review of Best Practicesallall2022
OER in Washington: A Case Study in K-12 State OER Effortsallall2022
Innovative OER for Spanish ELL WritersEnglish as a Second Languageall2022
Redesigning Acceso: Lessons Learned and Next StepsSpanishint.2024
LLC Commons: Open Resources for RussianRussianbeg.2023
Russian Aspect in ConversationRussianint. / adv.2023
NEH-funded Open Access Spanish Language Curriculum Centering Blackness in AmericaSpanishbeg.2023
Digital Tools for the Communicative Method: A Case Study in Developing and Implementing a Multimedia Textbook Project for Elementary Bosnian-Serbian-CroatianBosnian, Croatian, Serbianbeg.2023
Willkommen: Deutsch für alle: A Task-Based and Blended German Language OERGermanbeg.2023
Willkommen: Deutsch für alle 2: A Second-Year Task-Based and Blended German Language OERGermanint.2024
Homenaje: An Intermediate Spanish Course for Students with Diverse Language Acquisition BackgroundsSpanishadv.2023
#OnYGo: An Innovative, Multimodal French OER for Fostering Diversity, Inclusivity and EquityFrenchbeg.2023
Français inclusif: Designing a New Diverse and Inclusive French CurriculumFrenchbeg.2023
Tarea libre: A First-year Spanish OER Homework AncillarySpanishbeg.2023
OER Office Hours (Fair Use)allall2023
Inclusive Pedagogy in LCTL Classrooms: Implications from Arabic OERArabicbeg.2023
Open Textbook for Hindi Heritage Language Learners: The PlanHindibeg. / int.2023
Using Technology to Support Literacy: OER Arabic ResourcesArabicall2023
Basic UrduUrdubeg.2023
Development of an Interactive Korean Language TextbookKoreanbeg.2023
Designing Elementary Chinese OER TextbooksChinesebeg.2023
Temas de hoy en Latinoamérica: Content-based Instruction and the Flipped Classroom Through an OERSpanishadv.2023
A Cybersecurity Module for ASL ClassroomsASLadv.2024
Adult Migrant English Program OnlineESLbeg.2024
Beginning Tibetan: Preserving Culture and Identity with OERTibetanbeg.2024
On apprend avec TikTok!📸🤳: An OER for Developing Linguistic and Cultural Awareness in French CoursesFrenchbeg.2024
Introduction à la linguistique française: OER for L2 Content CourseFrenchadv.2024
Piacere! An Adaptable Resource for Elermentary ItalianItalianbeg.2024
Torniamo a tavola! Building an OER Language SequenceItalianint.2024
Voci: An Inclusive OER for Beginning ItalianItalianbeg.2024
Adapting OER: Grammaire Ouverte and Italiano AvanzatoFrench, Italianadv.2024
Iowa Intersections: Language and Stories at the Crossroadsallall2024
Accelerating OER Production Through OER-Enabled PedagogySpanishint. / adv.2024
Ottoman and Turkish to English Literary Translations and MoreTurkishall2024
Italian in Wonderland: An Open Education Digital Platform to Teach and Learn ItalianItalianbeg. / int.2024
#OnYGo+: A Second-year Inclusive Approach to FrenchFrenchint.2024
Français inclusif: A Complete Four-semester French OER CurriculumFrenchint.2024
Bridging Language and Place: A Technology-Enhanced Placed-Based Language Learning OER for Language Educatorsallall2024
Voces e historias compartidas: An OER for Spanish Heritage Speakers in the MidwestSpanishint.2024
Transitioning to OER in a Community College Spanish ProgramSpanishbeg. / int.2024
Ես ու դուն (You and I): Modern Western Armenian - An OER Built with Free Tech ToolsArmenianbeg.2024
A Collaborative Venture in Crafting An Open, Task-Based Vietnamese TextbookVietnamesebeg. / int.2024
Creating an Asynchronous OER Experience in Spanish 101Spanishbeg.2023
The Use of OER for a Proficiency-based Spanish CurriculumSpanishbeg. / int.2023
Spanglish Literature and Film: Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Learners Using Open Educational ResourcesSpanishint.2023
Aligning your OER with Project Based Learning Principles for Oral ProficiencySpanishbeg.2023
Understanding the OER WorldSpanishbeg.2023
Creating and Sharing a Multimodal Intermediate French Sequence: Successes and ChallengesFrenchint.2023
Fixing the Broken Textbook Marketallall2021
Open Educational Practices - Empowering Students to Share Their Voice and Knowledge Beyond the ClassroomSpanishint. / adv.2021
Grenzenlos Deutsch: An OER Curriculum for First-Year GermanGermanbeg.2021
Le retamaxik le ch'ab'al k'iche': Digital resources for K’iche’ Learning and InstructionK'iche'beg.2021
Open L2 textbooks: Opportunities for Diversity, Equity, and InclusionSpanishbeg.2021
Ingresos: A Multiliteracies Approach to Intermediate Business SpanishSpanishint.2021
OER in Spanish for Specific ProfessionsSpanishall2021
Formalizing Teacher Training and Professional Development for OERs - A Case StudyRussianadv.2021
A New Complete OER for First-Year ItalianItalianbeg.2021
Tutt* a tavola: An OER Elementary Italian TextbookItalianbeg.2021
LCTLs OER Collaborative for South and Southeast Asian LanguagesHindi, Khmer, Persian, Urdu, and Vietnamesebeg.2024
Introducing Open Language Learning as an Optional Course in a Master’s Programallall2021
The Value Of Teams: A Tried and True Model for OER-enabled Pedagogy that Elevates Student VoicesFrench, German, Spanishall2021
Best Practices in Fair Use for Open Educational Resourcesallall2021
A Virginia Collaboratory for the Design and Development of Student-Driven, Interactive OER E-Textbooksallall2021
OER Beginning Spanish Curriculum Featuring Authenticity, Flexibility, Social Justice and MoreSpanishall2021
Supporting Spanish Heritage Language Instructors with OER: Online Modules for Professional Development at TeCHSSpanishall2021
NOVA STARTALK eTower: An Effective OER to Promote Chinese Language Proficiency, Cultural Competence and Learner AutonomyChineseall2021
Feliz en la comunidad: An OER Community Service Initiative during COVID 19allall2021
Writing a Turkish Language Textbook — The Case of Konuşan ParagraflarTurkishadv.2021
Using Her Şey Bir Merhaba ile Başlar to Teach Turkish Language and CultureTurkishint.2021
Eradicating Racial Invisibility in the FL Classroom through OER: Understanding and Avoiding the legacy of Racism in FL Textbooks through a Case Study on the Spanish Classroomallall2021
It Takes a Village: A Collaborative Model to Promote OER Across Campusallall2022
Copyright and Creative Common: Publishing with Open Licensesallall2022
Creating a ZTC Degree for Spanish at a Hispanic Serving Institution: Challenges and OpportunitiesSpanishall2022
Content-Based Instruction of Spanish Language and Culture Through OER: A parar bien la oreja. Cuaderno de comprensión auditivaSpanishint. / adv.2022